Tag Archives: User: Jimbob

Gas Giant by Jimbob

Gas Giant is some chilled-out beats, with droning, slow-moving machines off in the distance.

Positronic Hips by Jimbob

Positronic Hips is a mellow, instrumental bit of electronica from frequently showcased artist Jimbob.

Sum Yung Punk by Jimbob

Sum Yung Punk is a tasty melange of drum & bass. I like the different layers, with their wildly differing speeds.

Banksia marginata by Jimbob

Banksia marginata is sort of chill & sort of ominous.

Monsoon by Jimbob

Monsoon is some lovely, chill electronica.

Luna Iridia by Jimbob

Luna Iridia is mellow electronica.