Category Archives: Uncategorized - Page 13

Thorns on the Heartstrings by Vicarious

Thorns on the Heartstrings is a slightly dark electronica song, brooding, slow-paced, & pulsing in an industrial way; over midway through, it turns in an acid techno direction – which is to say, it reminds me of that song from “Blade,” in a good way.

The Book of Love by sleepy pete

The Book of Love is sleepy pete & melissa may, as The Harvey Girls (previously), covering a song by The Magnetic Fields, which is altogether lovely & charming. <3

‘Til We’re Dead by inoculatedcities

‘Til We’re Dead is a lovely indie pop song, with harmonizing backup vocals, a Hammond organ, and a celesta. And then some odd lyrics, including “just to keep our brains inside our heads,” which lyrics – along with the general melody – got stuck in my head, as earworms do.

This is song #300 here!

Wave by stubby phillips

Wave is a very mellow acoustic song. It’s fairly simple, and not overly intricate.

Jam back in the house by TwoWordReview

Jam back in the house is a lovely instrumental song – an guitar with looping, done in one take.

It’s going to be a fairly mellow week here, I think.

boing by stubby phillips

boing is an intricate & relaxing instrumental song, a duet between two acoustic guitars.

Take On Me (a cappella cover) by cortex

Take On Me (a cappella cover) is not faithful to the original, but it’s hilarious & really entertaining.

I’ll call those off-kilter covers.

Fault Lines by chimaera

Fault Lines is a rolling, dance, electronica, and synthpoppy song.

Edit: Oops! I’ve been a little sick this week, & I forgot to post the mp3 to the blog for this and one other song. It’s fixed now!

Kick Start by 23skidoo

Kick Start is an adult version of an alphabet song. It’s just 23skidoo and his guitar – happy, pretty uncomplicated pop.

All The Things… by nthdegx

All The Things… (…I’ve Stuck up my Arse, Ode to an A&E Nurse) (the full title) is a drum’n’bass song, with a leisurely acoustic guitar, and drums & synths that roll along with speed. nthdegx has appeared on the podcast before.

The title might refer to a thread or two that discuss foreign bodies inserted into various bodily openings, via hospital reports, with the “explanations” of “I don’t know how it got up there, honest!”

Edit, 2012-03-15 – Oops! I’ve been a little sick this week, & I forgot to post the mp3 to the blog for this song & today’s. It’s fixed now!

Afternoon Date by blinks

Afternoon Date is an instrumental piece – it’s laid-back & mellow, but with an lovely & slow build.

While the City Sleeps by god particle

While the City Sleeps is glorious techno, with fuzzy bass & a momentous, rolling beat.

You and Me by johanze

You and Me is smooth, acoustic, and girl-fronted pop.

Don’t Rely on the Radio by 6am

Don’t Rely on the Radio is a spare garage rock song. I agree with the message, & if you’re listening to this podcast, you probably do too. 🙂

This is 6am’s only posted track to Metafilter, but he has a Myspace page.

In Piles/On File by 2or3whiskeysodas

In Piles/On File is a fun & bouncy sorta surf rock tune. It’s 2or3whiskeysodas’s only posted track to date.

When We Were Small by Karlos the Jackal

When We Were Small is a downtempo but mellow song – a strummed autoharp, and a marimba – with lyrics about looking back on childhood as if from a great distance.

My Fire by pedmands

My Fire is a simple & clean classic pop song, harmonizing & mellow.

Some Time To Myself by toekneebullard

Some Time To Myself is a chill, slow-moving ambient track. The repetition is sorta hypnotic & soothing.

everything is byte size by kimyo

everything is byte size is another awesome & smooth trip-hop track from kimyo & his band Hot Bitch Arsenal.

Happy leap year!

This Town by kingbenny

This Town is a moving and melancholy folk song.

Solace for King Benny? by freya_lamb

Solace for King Benny? is an uplifting & soothing response to the previous song here, kingbenny’s All My Hearts (Are Belong To You).

All My Hearts (Are Belong To You) by kingbenny

All My Hearts (Are Belong To You) is folk, or old-school laid-back country.

Pretty and Disheveled by Doublewhiskeycokenoice

Pretty and Disheveled is a fun punk rock song!

angelika v3.0 by bitterkitten

angelika v3.0 is electropop, inspired by a spam bot.

(bitterkitten, previously.)

Lied by not_on_display

Lied is mournful folk rock. Those sustained notes are made by a guitar, using an ebow.

When My Baby Was Mine by Karlos the Jackal

When My Baby Was Mine sounds like tragic 1950’s pop, with some extra fuzzy guitar-sounding thing that’s actually an autoharp.

Previously, I posted Karlos the Jackal’s Happy, which I said reminded me of The Magnetic Fields, and having said that of course there’s some similarity here too.

Edelweiss by lothar

Edelweiss is a cheeky punk cover of a song from The Sound of Music.

Cyanotic – Deface (Ad-ver-sary + Dirtybunny = Industrial Strength Mix) by Jairus

Cyanotic – Deface (Ad·ver·sary + Dirtybunny = Industrial Strength Mix) is aggro, stompy, crunchy industrial. A previous song of Jairus’ was here; it’s mellower, but still dark & fun.

I don’t think I’ve said this lately, but I don’t do themes here; I’m posting songs I like in chronological order. The transitions are sometimes more interesting than others.

BRK109B by loquacious

BRK109B is some charming and noodly breaks, electronica from occasional guest loquacious.

Secular Humanist Love Song by Dalton

Secular Humanist Love Song is an alt-rock* ballad (note: one nsfw word in lyrics).

Happy Valentine’s Day!

* or maybe indie pop, I don’t even know

Devils Soiree by mediocre

Devils Soiree is a “70’s style outlaw country song.” I love the steel guitar.

Clab (Vote For Chope 2008) by _aa_

Clab (Vote For Chope 2008) is a sort of hypnotic, intricate, and noodly electronica song. It was made on a PalmOS device, & released under Creative Commons, for sharing & remixing – the tiny source file is still available.

It’s _aa_’s only posted song.

hyperion by kimyo

hyperion is some more lush & chilled out trip-hop from regulars kimyo & his band, Hot Bitch Arsenal.

Fantastische Farben by hellphish

Fantastische Farben is a chiptune song, with instruments from an emulated Commodore 64. It starts simple, but gets rolling a minute in. I like the repeated builds.

So far, this is the only song hellphish has posted.

Snow Girl by ratla

I think Snow Girl is a dance remix of a song from the Russian cartoon, Nu Pogodi. It’s cheesy & fun.

Here’s the original cartoon, with a translation.

Axeitus by tehloki

Axeitus is a bumpin’ techno track from tehloki.

Electro-wank by Evstar

Electro-wank sounds a lot like early New Order – the synths, the guitars, the drums. It’s instrumental, with filtered guitars and synths. It’s sort of dreamlike.

Wasting Time by sparkletone

Wasting Time is hypnotic – it putters along like clockwork. It’s instrumental electronica.

Life Through Veils by Devils Rancher

Life Through Veils is a 80’s/90’s atmospheric and psychedelic rock song. If you like this, you might also like their Shape Shifter.

Three Miles Away… by [son] QUAALUDE

Three Miles Away… is a rock song, with a female singer rocking the soul vibe. The band’s Fugitive Kind, & this is the only song [son] QUAALUDE has posted to Mefi Music, though they posted a (BitTorrent) album release to Projects.